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Send Flowers Clayton-le-woods

Whether it's Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, a friend's birthday, or simply because you're in the doghouse, put a smile on someone's face with a fresh bouquet of flowers. Get the pick of the bunch from Marshalls Florist we deliver flowers same day in and around Clayton-le-woods. Please order before midday to guarantee same day flower delivery in Clayton-le-woods.

Same day flower delivery in Clayton-le-woods

Below is a selection of flowers that can be delivered the same day in Clayton-le-woods if ordered by 2.00pm (depending on stock levels). We can also deliver flowers the same day in the following areas Chorley, Adlington, Horwich, Buckshaw Village, Leyland, Bamber Bridge, Eccleston, Croston, Standish, Brinscall, Abbey Village, Anderton, Astely Village, Black Rod, Brindle, Charnock Richard, Coppul, Euxton, Farrington, Heapey, Heath Charnock, Heskin, Higher Wheelton, Mawdsley, Ulnes Walton, Wheelton, Whittle-le-woods, Withnell, Withnell Fold and many more. Please call us on 01257270263 to see if we can deliver flowers in your area.

Sort By:
  • Star Gaze
    From £54.95
  • Roses & Ruffles
    From £59.99
  • Cool Breeze
    From £49.95
  • Grand Affection
    From £125.00
  • Valentine`s Florist Choice Aqua Pack (in water)
    From £49.95
  • Sparkling Champagne
    From £95.00
  • For My Sweetheart
    From £105.00
  • A Little Treasure & Chocolates
    From £39.95
  • Mrs Kisses
    From £49.95
  • Smooch
    From £85.00
  • Six Roses of Romance
    From £59.95
  • Valentine`s Florist Choice Flowers
    From £49.95

Why choose Marshall's Florist...

Monday to Friday 8.30 - 5.00 Saturday 8.30 - 4.00